Provider Directory

Check back regularly for new providers, as we are actively expanding our network!

Small cluster of leaves, decorative image by headings

Why Is Our Directory Private?

Our directory is intentionally designed to uphold the integrity of our healthcare community. In an age where data mining is prevalent, we’ve chosen to protect the authenticity of our directory. Everyone listed within aligns with our vision and mission, having undergone a thorough application and vetting process.
We do this not only for ourselves but also for you and our professional members. By maintaining privacy, we ensure the quality of the connections you make. Privacy is essential for a secure environment for those who champion this innovative and integrated approach.
In a world where not everyone may be open to multidimensional healthcare, we aim to provide a haven for trailblazing professionals who need protection and support. Our private directory serves as a trusted network where like-minded individuals can connect and thrive.
Three Leaves-different shades of green

No passcode? Contact Us for access.

Check back regularly for new providers, as we are actively expanding our network!

Provider or Practitioners interested in joining our directory? Join Our Network.

Enter the Directory Passcode from your ICHA Business Card or Brochure.