
Female smiling, networking with people over coffee

Businesses That Care!

We’re not all professional health experts, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get involved! Support Inspire Collaborative Health Association on their mission to bridge the gap between western medicine and alternative health options, and bring together a group of open-minded and collaborative individuals who seek to provide better wellness solutions to people in need. Odds are, you know someone who is currently feeling tired, frustrated, and lost about their own health, or the health of a family member. 

Bring the solution closer to home by sponsoring Inspire Collaborative Health Association, where all health roads connect. 


Our Strategic Partners

Wellness champions


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Health Ambassadors


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Vitality Advocates


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Our Sponsors

Inspire Health Association Logo

Relax Pools

Balanced Body Health and Wellness, LLC

Ataxia Connection

Our Affiliates

  • Thorn Supplements

Become A Strategic Partner

If your company provides health-related products or services, such as Apothecary Herbal Shops, Supplement stores, IV Clinics, Fitness Clubs, Yoga Studios, Cryotherapy and Hydrotherapy Centers, or other health-related business, we’d love to hear from you